About us

Queremos construir un futuro de datos sustentable e inclusivo desde y para nuestra región. 

Observamos y monitoreamos las diversas prácticas en materia de datos que afectan directamente la vida de mujeres y personas LGBTI+ en América Latina.

Asesoramos a aquellas personas, gobiernos y organizaciones que trabajan con y basadas en datos, a través de auditorías, capacitaciones, charlas y proyectos de intervención a medida de las necesidades de cada espacio.


In short, we seek to contribute to gender equality through data because we want a fairer world for everyone.

We are a space that seeks to build a sustainable and inclusive data future from and for our region. We seek to observe and monitor the various data practices that directly affect the lives of women and LGBTI+ people in Latin America, advising those people, governments and organizations that work with and based on data, and I hear themwe offer audits, training, talks and intervention projects tailored to the needs of each space.

We offer talks, courses and workshops

qué buscamos

  • Observar y monitorear

    the various data practices that directly affect the lives of women and LGBTI+ people in Latin America.

  • make visible

    inequalities in data, the invisibilization of women and the LGBIT+ group in them.

  • change

    the extractivist and capitalist logics of data production and thus generate a collective process of data production, which includes the silenced and relegated voices of our society.